Last Friday the team at Arctic Circle received a rather welcome surprise. One of South Africa’s top visual artists, Riaan van Zyl, made an unexpected appearance at the agency to join us for some beer - and give us an award while he was at it! According to Riaan, he has been following our Good Money movement and thinks we are bang on the, er, money.

The Good Money initiative focuses on starting a conversation that changes the way society thinks about money. It deals with topics that effect South Africans and the world, like social consciousness, accountability and entrepreneurship, and how they relate to each other. If Good Money becomes standard currency, then the power of capital will be back in the hands of those who can change our world for the better. Riaan, who clearly approves of this thinking, came to us to express as much in the form of a beautiful antique tape measure mounted onto an engraved award plaque which he created himself.

I don’t see why an award can only have meaning if given by an institutionalised ceremony” he stated while addressing the agency. “To me the most valuable award comes from being recognised by a fellow creative working alongside you in the industry who truly believes in what you are doing.”

Riaan had even prepared a speech which he read out to the delighted team:

An award is to give or order the giving of something as an official payment, compensation or prize, or it is given in honour of an achievement. This award is given to Arctic Circle Strategic Brand Institute for none of the above mentioned reasons.

The ‘Ideas Measure Up’ Award is given in recognition of creative thinking and ideas that shape and form the future by changing the way we look at things around us. Arctic Circle Strategic Brand Institute is doing exactly that. They are deconstructing the simulacrum of our society and creating more practical, believable, realistic and sustainable ideas for the brands that influence our everyday lives.

This makes them a contemplative and reflective company with ideas that not just measure up, but push boundaries. It is my pleasure to present this award to Arctic Circle. Congratulations.”

Commenting on the award, Martinique Treadaway, Creative Director at Arctic Circle, said: “This was completely unexpected. It means so much to us, as one of our agency objectives is to create brands that have an impact on peoples’ lives - that don’t just sell a product, but stand for something more. To have us and our brand recognised for this by one of our creative peers is so gratifying. And I think Riaan is a legend for coming up with this cool and unique piece of art for an award! It’s taking pride of place in our agency.”

Afterwards over a beer, Riaan and the Arctic team mused about the need for our industry to be creating and building brands that make us proud to incorporate them into South African culture. We have a responsibility to put messages, ideas and images out into the public that stimulate and advance us as a society. Positivity, optimism, impact, power - that is what we’d like to see more of from South African brands and the agencies that build them - as well as supporting and recognising each other in that.

Riaan van Zyl, who obtained his BAFA degree at the University of South Africa in 2000, has become recognized as one of the countries top visual artists. He continues to exhibit regularly both locally and internationally and is currently showing his works in galleries around Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria. His body of works usually comprises of enormous sketches and he loves to work with nostalgic and basic everyday images.

By Martinique Treadaway
Creative Director, Arctic Circle